Resources & Tutorials
Explore our collection of research tutorials, lab manuals, and scientific tools designed to support students and researchers.
Familiarize yourself with correcting aberration in the image of a probe using the Ronchigram Simulator.
Need some free practice using a microscope? Try out this simulator.
Everyone needs a good spectroscopy database to pull from! Check out this one for EELS and this one for EDS.
Hyperspy also has helpful coding scripts to analyze EDS data.
helpful textbooks
Transmission Electron Microscopy
TEM and Diffractometry of Materials
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for Nanostructure Characterization
Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy in the Electron Microscope | SpringerLink
Optical excitations in electron microscopy | Rev. Mod. Phys.
In‐Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Experiments: Design and Practice
In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy | SpringerLink
Electron Microdiffraction | SpringerLink
All the above are TEM resources, but if you are using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and need some tips and tricks for collecting and analyzing data, see here.
Mental Wellness Resources
The University understands how demanding university studies can be, and have maintained their commitment to providing resources to everyone who needs it through the following:
CAPS Resources for Faculty & Staff
Student Disability Access Center
For natural remedies, the university has open courses to mitigate stress solutions with meditation classes and Ashtanga Yoga, see more here.
Family and a supportive group of friends are also paramount to good mental health.
If you find yourself losing hope and are thinking of taking your own life, please consider talking with our specialist in the CAPS suicide prevention center or call them at 434-243-5150.
Maintain A Commitment To Your Health
It does not matter what time you work, but you should do it at a time convenient for you that makes you the most productive. Balancing your circadian rhythm will improve your cognitive function, increase energy levels, improve digestion, amongst many other benefits. You only get one body, why not treat it right?
Aside from your circadian rhythm, you should focus on the big three pillars of health: sleep, diet, and exercise.
Sleep is (arguably) the most important for short-term performance, as one bad day of sleep does more damage the next day than eating an unhealthy meal or not exercising.
Diet is the most important for the intermediate time scale, try to eat fresh, whole ingredient foods. Eliminate cooking with seed oils, refined carbohydrates, artificial ingredients, and practice intermittent fasting. We would love to see you happy and healthy for a very long time! You are what you eat!
Last, perhaps the most important for long-term health benefits, is establishing consistency in your exercise regime. Please try to get a healthy dose of anaerobic exercise, aerobic exercise, and resistance training. It’ll prove to be super beneficial for heart health, cognitive functions, and mobility. The number one sign of longevity that we can measure in humans is VO2 max, which can be optimized by exercise.